Członek FatSecret od marzec 2017
Historia wagi

Waga Wstępna
82,6 kg
Do tej pory straciłeś: 5,4 kg

Aktualna Waga
77,1 kg
Wyniki: stała waga

Waga Docelowa
71,2 kg
Wciąż do stracenia: 5,9 kg
I am a 61 year old mom of a grown boy and have struggled with my weight all my life. I am a secret eater, sneaking food when no one is looking, and can put away an amazing amount of food that way. I realize that it is emotional eating, since I am rarely hungry when I overeat. I had success in the past with Weight Watchers, but I always gain the weight back, and I am so unhappy with myself and am embarrassed sometimes when I’m around other people who take care of themselves. I am hoping to make better choices and get back to more controlled eating. I work from home and am alone a lot, which gives me way too much opportunity to make bad choices and to stuff myself, especially at night when my negative thoughts overwhelm me. I could really use the support of any FS members who have experienced similar issues.

Historia Wagi Broccolibabe


Fritzy 22
Ostatnie ważenie: Traci 0,0 kg na tydzień Down
Ostatnie ważenie: stała waga Steady
Ostatnie ważenie: Traci 0,3 kg na tydzień Down
Ostatnie ważenie: Traci 2,5 kg na tydzień Down

Książka Kucharska Broccolibabe

Kalorie: 268kcal | Tłusz: 14,76g | Węglo: 18,86g | Białk: 15,22g
Stuffed Soup
A must-have soup in your go-to recipe box that warms you right up.
Zobacz Całą Książkę Kucharską

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