Członek FatSecret od marzec 2016
Historia wagi

Waga Wstępna
90,8 kg
Do tej pory straciłeś: 6,5 kg

Aktualna Waga
84,2 kg
Wyniki: Traci 0,1 kg na tydzień

Waga Docelowa
72,6 kg
Wciąż do stracenia: 11,7 kg
I'm 42 years old and stand a full height of 4'11". I've always had problems maintaining my goal weight and of course due to my height any little bit of extra weight seems like a tremendous load. After having a baby my weight has ballooned up to the heaviest it has ever been 208.2lbs. I have struggled with depression and the lack of motivation that goes along with it. I'm simply tired of being sick and tired. It is time for a change. I have invested so much in taking care of my child that I have left nothing for myself. My primary goals with this life style change is of course weight loss but also finding myself again and reserving something for me so that I can be healthy and happy too! I have never tried joining a community for weight loss before. This is a new experience and seeing others do so well has definitely helped me with my motivation.

Historia Wagi DivaTrue


Maine coon
Ostatnie ważenie: Zyskuje 1,3 kg na tydzień Up
Ostatnie ważenie: Traci 0,2 kg na tydzień Down
(widoczne tylko dla obserwujących)
Ostatnie ważenie: Traci 1,3 kg na tydzień Down

Książka Kucharska DivaTrue

Kalorie: 64kcal | Tłusz: 6,80g | Węglo: 0,48g | Białk: 0,41g
Lemon Cheesecake Fat Bombs
An easy to make high fat snack for those following LCHF diets.
Kalorie: 168kcal | Tłusz: 13,47g | Węglo: 3,57g | Białk: 9,50g
Cream Cheese Biscuit
A very low carb breakfast muffin.
Kalorie: 272kcal | Tłusz: 17,34g | Węglo: 2,31g | Białk: 26,46g
Tuna Salad
A super quick and easy tuna salad.
Kalorie: 96kcal | Tłusz: 7,15g | Węglo: 7,62g | Białk: 2,85g
Classic Mashed Cauliflower
A great substitute for mashed potatoes.
Kalorie: 113kcal | Tłusz: 0,62g | Węglo: 5,95g | Białk: 20,44g
Cottage Cheese Salad
A low fat cottage cheese salad with onions and tomatoes.
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