moko 13
Członek FatSecret od lipiec 2022
Historia wagi

Waga Wstępna
87,5 kg
Do tej pory straciłeś: 14,3 kg

Aktualna Waga
73,2 kg
Wyniki: Zyskuje 0,3 kg na tydzień

Waga Docelowa
65,8 kg
Wciąż do stracenia: 7,4 kg
Hello, I’m Monica, 48. After raising three children, it seems I have spent almost my entire adult life fighting back weight gained during those pregnancies. My youngest is now 18 and I don’t have many excuses anymore. I’ve always been decent at eating healthfully but I do struggle with portion sizes and eating out. I am a type 2 diabetic and finally got it under control during the pandemic by losing 25 lbs. I used Noom for about a year. I slowly started gaining weight back and so I am trying out some different things to see if I can figure out what I need to focus on to be successful long term. My goals are often small but I am in it for sustainability for life and not a short term change.
July ‘22-current: 193-164 lbs (-29) ⤵️
• Aiming for higher protein intake 80g daily
• 45 minutes exercise 6x a week; Yoga at least 2x, strength training 3x, Run-walk for 30 min x3
• Journaling 1x daily

Historia Wagi moko 13


Ostatnie ważenie: Zyskuje 3,5 kg na tydzień Up
Ostatnie ważenie: Zyskuje 1,9 kg na tydzień Up
Ostatnie ważenie: Zyskuje 2,5 kg na tydzień Up
Ostatnie ważenie: Zyskuje 3,2 kg na tydzień Up

moko 13 Ostatnia Żywność & Ćwiczenia

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